In my previous post Sensu Go Needs a Queue I talked about one of Sensu’s use cases for a queue. In this post I am looking at NSQ, a promising distributed messaging platform that is easy to operate and scales horizontally.

After analyzing NSQ’s functionality and its operation under load similar to what I expect a large sensu-go cluster may put on it, I have found that NSQ is not a suitable candidate for sensu-go’s round robin message queue solution. NSQ’s fundamental design would necessitate significant changes to sensu-go’s architecture in order to accommodate NSQ’s lack of message de-duplication. The connection model used by NSQ would require functional changes to the round robin scheduling feature before it may be operationally tenable.

NSQ’s Messaging Model

NSQ’s messaging model is organized into topics, streams of data, and channels, downstream consumers. Producers publish messages to topics, and a copy of that message is sent to each channel. Within a channel there can be many subscribers. NSQ will deliver each message in the channel to one subscriber.

Message flow through NSQ

This model is generally compatible with sensu’s round robin scheduling feature, with a small caveat.

In the case of sensu’s round robin check scheduling, requests could be published to a topic named by sensu namespace and subscription e.g., and agents could join a roundrobin_execution channel subscribed to topics according to their sensu subscriptions. Backend(s) would publish check execution requests to the appropriate topic for the check’s subscription and NSQ will deliver the message to one of the agents. Of note, nsq imposes a rather strict character length limit of 64 for topic and channel names. Sensu has no restrictions on subscription name length. Because of this we would need to either impose a restrictive limit to subscription names or come up with some consistent hashing method for translating namespace and subscription into a topic name.

Deployment Architecture

NSQ is cleverly designed to scale horizontally with no coordination or replication. It consists of a few components.


nsqd is the core of nsq. It is the service that accepts, queues and delivers messages. It was designed to be deployed alongside the service publishing messages, and can either be ran as a standalone service or a cluster using one or more nsqlookupd instances.


nsqlookupd is a service that functions as a discovery service for consumers. Each nsqd instance can be pointed at one or multiple nsqlookupd services, and they will self-report topic and channel information to lookupd. Consumers can then query a nsqlookupd instance to discover producers for topics they are interested in.

Like nsqd, nsqlookupd does no coordination.

The Consumer

Consumers discovering producers

In a scaled NSQ cluster, consumers are configured to query nsqlookupd instances for nsqd nodes producing topics. Consumers make a persistent TCP connection per subscription per nsqd node.

This connection model is of large consequence for sensu-go. In environments with thousands of sensu agents a modest number of subscriptions could easily generate hundreds of thousands of persistent TCP connections to each nsqd instance.

Delivery Guarantees

NSQ offers at least once delivery with some caveats, but makes no guarantees on message delivery ordering.


Messages are non-durable by default in NSQ. Since there is no replication, messages are coupled with the nsqd instance that accepted them. By default messages are queued in memory first, and overflow is written to disk. The in-memory queue size can be overwritten to 0 in order to queue all messages on disk for a performance penalty.

At least once delivery

Assuming a nsqd instance does not fail, as noted above in Durability, messages are delivered at least once. Messages can be delivered multiple times due to client timeouts, network partitions, etc.


NSQ was not necessarily designed with this use case in mind, and makes no guarantees about the distribution of message delivery to consumers in a channel. That said, in my performance tests I collected rough data on these distributions and judged them to be sufficiently normal for sensu’s use case.


Message order is not guaranteed. I’ve seen several anecdotal reports that message order can appear to be LIFO in high traffic environments.

For use with sensu

I see several barriers to including NSQ in sensu-go’s round robin scheduling implementation.

Poor connection model fit

NSQ’s connection model is likely unstable for a typical sensu deployment. Unlike the use cases documented by NSQ, where number of consumers roughly equals producers, the typical sensu deployment contains thousands of agents. Consumer connections scale per subscription and producer. This might mean 25k agents, each with 10 subscriptions and 3 nsqd nodes (message producers.) This would result in 250k TCP connections to each of the nsqd instance.

In my observations nsqd was able to handle many consumer connections until it was overcome with memory pressure. Its memory footprint expanded fairly rapidly, nearly 50 KB per connection. To me this indicates that running nsqd would likely require an unacceptable amount of resources for most deployments.

Having a large amount of outbound connections coming from each agent is also a drawback. A major selling point of sensu-go’s agent model is the single websocket connection that eases deployment in more restrictive network environments.

No Message De-Duplication

NSQ lacks message de-duplication. Since NSQ has no replication or coordination it cannot offer message de-duplication. Without this feature, some distributed coordination will need to be developed in sensu to establish which backend nodes are responsible for scheduling round robin checks.

Doubts about Message Ordering

I am still unsure if strict message ordering needs to be a requirement for sensu-go’s round robin message queue, but the lack of ordering guarantees in NSQ could prove troublesome for the use case. A check execution request delivered late is not much better than a missed delivery. I predict the combination of eventual discovery via nsqlookupd and a mix of in memory and disk persisted messages could lead to messages being effectively dropped due to late delivery as nsqd nodes are added and replaced.


NSQ has published their own performance test results. In these, they were able to service ~800k messages per second in a cluster of three nsqd nodes with nine consumers. While impressive, this is quite different from sensu’s usage patterns. In order to test how NSQ behaves with relatively low volume and a large number of consumers, I ran my own suite.


Show how NSQ performs under a constant load of 40k messages per second with a fleet of 50k simulated sensu agents while subscribed to an increasing number of NSQ topics (sensu-go subscriptions.) Since consumer connections are created by topic, each nsqd instance should expect to see 50k connections per topic. I’d like to discover how and where this breaks down.


I set up a cluster of 3 nsqd nodes, a single nsqlookupd node, and 3 consumer nodes. The high number of connections required a lot of tuning on both the nsqd side and consumer side. On the consumer side I quickly ran out of local ephemeral ports on a single IP (about 2^16-1024). Not wanting to move to a large fleet of consumer hosts, I opted to allocate additional secondary IPs to bind from on the consumer’s primary network interface. The go program I wrote to simulate many consumers also needed customized in order to bind from a specific local IP, and the nsq go library’s default configuration needed to be specifically tuned for both the nsqd and nsqlookupd connections.

You can see the full lab here:


The test was ran in stages with progressively more topics.

topics consumers result
2 100k as expected
3 150k as expected
5 250k as expected
6 300k OOM - instable
NSQ metrics during performance test

In the first three stages NSQ Clients climbed to the target number, the message rates hovered right around the desired rate (marked with a yellow dashed line), and queue depth only briefly spiked in the time between starting the write load and read load.) In the final stage NSQ was not stable.

Node resources during performance test

In the first three stages CPU and memory utilization steadily climbed. Closer inspection showed that each consumer connection was consuming between 40 and 50 KB. Network throughput remained relatively steady as the volume of messages was a constant and the additional traffic from consumer identification and heartbeats is negligible. In the final stage you can see nsqd breaking down. The memory spikes as nsqd begins accepting connections past 300k, it then resets down to zero and begins climbing again. Closer inspection showed that what was happening here was a cycle where the kernel’s oom-killer was killing the process, systemd was restarting the service, and nsqd began accepting connections until it was once again endangering the system.


NSQ is a very cool messaging system that scaled admirably in ways it was not necessarily designed to scale. It was quick to learn and reasonably easy to operate. Sadly it is not a good fit for sensu-go. Next I hope to look into more of a full featured queueing system with a more suitable connection model and with support for message deduplication.

More Reading

NSQ’s Design

NSQ’s self published performance report

Segment’s blog on scaling NSQ

Tuning it up to 1 Million: A blog post series that helped me create enough consumer connections